Nuances in the translations of Canon 604 from Latin to English
Canon 604 in Latin
§ 1. Hisce vitae
consecratae formis accedit ordo virginum quae, sanctum
propositum emittentes Christum pressius sequendi, ab Episcopo dioecesano iuxte probatum
ritum liturgicum Deo consecrantur, Christo Dei Filio mystice desponsantur et Ecclesiae
servitio dedicantur.
§ 2. Ad suum propositum fidelius servandum et ad servitium Ecclesiae, proprio statui
consonum, mutuo adiutorio perficiendum, virgines consociari possunt.
propositum emittentes Christum pressius sequendi, ab Episcopo dioecesano iuxte probatum
ritum liturgicum Deo consecrantur, Christo Dei Filio mystice desponsantur et Ecclesiae
servitio dedicantur.
§ 2. Ad suum propositum fidelius servandum et ad servitium Ecclesiae, proprio statui
consonum, mutuo adiutorio perficiendum, virgines consociari possunt.
Canon 604 in English
§1 The order of
virgins is also to be added to these forms of consecrated life. Through their
pledge to follow Christ more closely, virgins are consecrated to God, mystically
espoused to Christ and dedicated to the service of the Church, when the
diocesan Bishop consecrates them according to the approved liturgical rite.
§2 Virgins can be associated together to fulfil
their pledge more faithfully, and to assist each other to serve the Church in a
way that befits their state.
Similar to these forms of consecrated life is the order of virgins, who,
committed to the holy plan of following Christ more closely, are consecrated to
God by the diocesan bishop according to the approved liturgical rite, are
betrothed mystically to Christ, the Son of God, and are dedicated to the
service of the Church.
§2. In order to observe their commitment more faithfully and to perform by mutual support service to the Church which is in harmony with their state these virgins can form themselves into associations.
§2. In order to observe their commitment more faithfully and to perform by mutual support service to the Church which is in harmony with their state these virgins can form themselves into associations.
As I was
meditating on Canon 604 , I tried to compare the Latin and English translations. Previously I had observed that the translation of the Latin ‘propositum’ into
the English ‘pledge’, ‘ plan’ , 'resolution’ etc. Read this seems to dilute the theological richness of
the Faith contained in the word
‘propositum’. The English translations seem to express only one of the facets of the Latin text. The
dynamic nature of ‘propositum’ in
the history of consecrated life in the
Catholic Church is missed and it gets reduced to a
resolve [ like a new year resolution], effort, desire, etc., thus leading to an
understanding that it is something less
than the Simple vows of apostolic
religious Sisters. No wonder people in the Church think consecrated
virgins have to only live the vow of
chastity while not having to live under obedience and poverty. It is not understood that the consecration of
Virgins is a different paradigm
[diocesan] altogether and cannot be compared with religious life /vows.
Similarly, I
noticed that the English translations
mention Virgins in plural and never in singular. The Latin text speaks of the Ordo Virginum as one group/entity in
Canon 604#1 and of course virgins in plural in 604#2. It
is only in Vita Consecrata that it is
said, “Either alone or in association
with others, they constitute a special
eschatological image of the Heavenly Bride and of the life to come.” Hence I think it was the mind of the Church
in revising the Rite of
Consecration to a life of virginity for women living in the world and formulating Canon 604 to focus on the Unity of consecrated virgins as forming one Order of Virgins that encompasses all virgins
consecrated since 2000 yrs .
There is no strain of Singleness, Individualism,Solitariness anywhere in the Rite or in Canon 604. The very nature of the
Church is Eucharistic communion with Christ and each other. This CANNOT be
ignored in the understanding of this Ecclesial vocation
in today’s world where Individualism
is harming the Church and the world.
Canon 604
uses the term ‘Diocesan Bishop’ whereas
the Introduction to the Rite in the older but Post-Vat II version of the Roman Pontifical, uses the term 'Local Ordinary’
because the Rite was revised much before
canon 604 on the Order of Virgins was
formulated in the 1983 Code of Canon law. Read older version here : 'Those who may be consecrated/ 5 / c and yr 2011 version / III /5/c Here The implications are that some rights of consecrated virgins like
having a Pastoral Dialogue directly with the Diocesan Bishop cannot be delegated to another Bishop or Vicar for
consecrated life. The Pastoral Dialogue
is a right mentioned with the
Rite in the Roman Pontifical, although not
explicitly mentioned in canon 604.
I see the implications of virgins being espoused to The
Christ, Son of God, an
Identity of Jesus proclaimed by
Peter in Mt 16:16. Theologically, the Bride of Christ is the Church of Christ which subsists in the One Catholic Church. To say that the Universal Church is present in the Diocesan Church is more
theologically correct than to say that the Diocesan Church is present in
the Universal Church. The Ordo Virginum
represents the Universal Church in the
Diocesan reality. To say that it is
strictly of Diocesan right would
be incorrect. All theological pointers lead to the fact that it is
meant to encompass the Universal Identity of the Church, as mentioned by Pope
Benedict XVI in This
"From the
sphere of the Diocese with its traditions, its Saints, its values, its limits
and its problems, you broaden your horizons to the universal Church, sharing
above all in her liturgical prayer, which is also entrusted to you so that “the
praise of our heavenly Father be always on your lips; pray without ceasing”,
(RCV, n. 28). In this way your prayerful “I” will gradually be enlarged,
until there is no longer anything except a great “we” in the prayer. This is
ecclesial prayer and the true liturgy."
Here again I
see the mind of the Church to focus on
the Unity of consecrated virgins. While individual women can be
consecrated, there is no emphasis on Individualism or
Solitary mindset in
Scripture, Tradition, the Rite or
Canon 604. The current trends
strict living of this vocation INDIVIDUALLY as an ESSENTIAL element of the Identity of this vocation according to me would be an aberration. However, I don’t mean that
several consecrated virgins
present in the same diocese
should live together like a
religious community.
Consecrata 42 mentions. “ Consecrated virgins in the world live out
their consecration in a special relationship of communion with the particular
and universal Church.” The Primary community of the consecrated virgin is
the Diocese. But in reality and humanly speaking, virgins do need the concrete support of each other to live the
vocation faithfully and fully.
Another Latin
term in the code is mystice desponsantur
which has been translated as mystical betrothal / espousal
various English versions. However the term desponsantur is best translated as Espousal
meaning that it speaks of a Marriage
and not an Engagement like it is in the
Rite of Profession of Religious women. Read
Canon 604#2 in the Latin text has a term perficiendum which
I think has not been translated in the English versions
although it is rich in theological meaning. If any reader
who knows Latin well can
help me I shall be grateful. As far as I understand it means
‘finish,’ ‘complete,’ ‘fulfill.’ What is it that virgins can be associated
to mutually assist each other to fulfil or complete ? Some words
ring in my ears, “ May God who has begun a good work in you bring it to completion."
The latest translation
of the Roman Missal for the Ritual Mass of
Consecration of virgins mentions in the Collect
Grant, we pray, O Lord, to
these your servants,
in whom you have instilled a
resolve to live in virginity,
that the work you have begun in
may be brought to fulfillment
and that they may be found
to complete what they now
so as to bring you a full and
perfect offering.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
one God, forever and ever.
More reflections on Associations
of Consecrated Virgins in following posts.