It is interesting to take part in discussions on vocations, with a mix of humor and seriousness, some challenging to think, to broaden concepts, sometimes threatening enough to make one withdraw, sometimes more confusing, sometimes clarifying, even bringing new friends into ones life. Suddenly one finds someone with the same idea or inspiration and one wonders how it happened.
It's like the Indian thali with delightful recipes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, spicy, hot, cold, hard, soft, etc., all in the same plate !
Amidst so many tastes and food-items, how do you decide the best ? Today the search for truth has become just as difficult, in this world of 'Cafeteria' Christianity. When I search for the truth about my vocation, I don’t mean to search which is the best vocation in the Church, but what each vocation is supposed to be. Only if each vocation lives authentic to its own identity then it will taste as it ought to be according to its tradition and palate or taste-buds of the eater today. After all, it is important that it should be digested and assimilated in today's Church and world.
The sweet cannot think O it looks like more people like salty so let me become salty. Or the spicy cannot decide to change and become bland. It would no more be itself and the whole thali would lose its taste.
However, in Christian life, in spite of every charism having its own flavor, something is common to all vocations.... the presence of the best wine of the wedding feast at Cana. By allowing Jesus to convert us, every kind of vocation can give its 'best' taste!
However, in Christian life, in spite of every charism having its own flavor, something is common to all vocations.... the presence of the best wine of the wedding feast at Cana. By allowing Jesus to convert us, every kind of vocation can give its 'best' taste!